
May-August 2011, 2d event

Since Robert and I returned from Moldova to the Netherlands, on april 30st, my life-journey has seen a chain of interesting and heartwarming events, of travel and deepening friendship; developments in the lives of Meike, Joost and my parents; the dynamics of living in connection, connected; the art and  importance of loving dear ones, even when you don't agree.... "Never a dull moment", Robert's mum would have said. 

On May 19th I had organised a workshop for the Association of Environmental specialists (VVM , see website www.vvm.info) on our making a contribution to the National Dutch Agenda for Sustainability; this Agenda which will be announced by the government in the beginning of September, in its next year programme.
 The 19th turned out to be a great dialogue about the 10 steps which we advise towards a dynamic agenda for sustainability. Warnings also about the 'framing' and 'echo-chambers' that have come into being, which divert attention of the real problem.
 The 10 steps are:
1. stimulate diversity, complexity and interconnectedness; for a resilient and robust society, diversity is a basic ingredient, as has been proven by (scientific study of) nature and ecology.  This diversity rule goes for social activities and coherence , ecological development and economic development (global, regional and local systems, not just one of them!) 
 2. Use and relate to human measurements and golden ratio in town and countryside development; people are making a sustainable society when their daily surroundings are socially and culturally sustaining, healthy, and contributing to our physical, mental and  human senses. In short, we need a recogniseable environment;  the built environment should mirror the ways in which we have organised ( sustainable) living, and preferably give us feed back about our (either or not sustainable) behaviour. 
3. Express the values from which you work, like i.e. partnering with nature, ;
4. Involve all stakeholders, including young and old people and their (endogenous) knowledge and experience;
5. Act from personal development and leadership;
6. Use renewable energy, diminish footprint;
7. Sustain sound soils and use water carefully
8. Ecological & social footprint - measure and calculate effects,  negative and positive, before acting!
9. Values: discuss from which human and cultural values you undertake new actions or policy

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