Since Robert and I returned from Moldova to the Netherlands, on april 30st, my life-journey has seen a chain of interesting and heartwarming events, of travel and deepening friendship; developments in the lives of Meike, Joost and my parents; experiencing the dynamics of living in connection, connected; the art and importance of loving dear ones, even when you don't agree.... "Never a dull moment", Robert's mum would have said.
End of June and beginning of July, my long time friend Anneke and I had a great time walking the Pembrokeshire coastal path: from Milford Haven to Martins'Haven in two days, each carrying 15 kilo's on our backs, camping and enjoying the beautiful landscape, the beautiful weather, our friendship and life.
We were lucky to be able to stay 2 nights
with my friend Sue on Skomer Island;
Sue is, for this summer, the hostel-manager
on Skomer Island. And it was so good
to see her again.
The picture right shows a shearwater abiout to enter its hole; above you can see how the whole island is covered with their holes.
The shearwater come only at night as otherwise they will be eaten by the big black seagulls, that are a-plenty around there.
It was as if the whole earth was trembling, and we felt tiny, taking part in this force of nature. The pictures show the holes of the Shearwaters and how far they fly to brood here at Skomer Island.
Of course ther were puffins (papagaaiduikers) almost everywhere around. The island is famous for it! 

Wat een ontzettend leuke foto Jelleke!!
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