Since Robert and I returned from Moldova to the Netherlands, on april 30st, my life-journey has seen a chain of interesting and heartwarming events, of travel and deepening friendship; developments in the lives of Meike, Joost and my parents; the dynamics of living in connection, connected; the art and importance of loving dear ones, even when you don't agree.... "Never a dull moment", Robert's mum would have said.
My good old friends from my student time in Wageningen sung a wonderful account of my life, as you can see in this picture. How well they know me and how I love them!
Joost was in charge of the music and performed with Meike
and with a good friend of his, Rens:
I myself felt so immensely grateful to be surrounded by loved ones.
Wat een enige fotos!! Zo kan ik van verre een beetje een beeld vormen. Groetjes, Marga