Blog June 24th
Last night it rained! An unexpected
and very welcome blessing!
Temperatures dropped from 37 to 24 degrees celsius! Robert and I made a long walk this morning along the canal and through the parks. Nature here is far ahead of more temperate climates. Trees, flowers and fruits behave as if it is August in Holland . I would too with such temperatures! Cichorei and Honey tree flowering, Chestnut and Oak already carrying heavy nuts, though still green; ripe apricots falling from the trees
And some beautiful, incredibly big flowers.
Yesterday was the celebration of Frouke and Johns 25th wedding anniversary in the Netherlands . I was a witness at the time and through much of their married life. What a shame that we couldn’t share this event!
Instead, Robert and I went out for dinner at ‘our’ restaurant near to the waterfalls.
Lovely view and cool near the waterside.
And very expensive! What, when you drink
gin tonics and eat shrimps (all imported!
We toasted to our good friends, and to
our own wellbeing, in particular to the
prospect of going home in three weeks time.
Already we are looking forward to seeing and being with our children and their partners, my parents, and so many good friends. Meanwhile organizing the packing
up and saying goodbyes here while getting
as much of my book-writing done as possible.
We'll keep in touch!
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