Hanna and Jaco were here to visit their family. We already
promised them a nice long weekend outing, as we now that Jaco loves to get out
(and watch birds, be in the open air) while Hanna prefers to be with her
family, the one time per 2 year that she visits here.
We went to Ankober, as we also liked to 'discover'that place and it
is good to share new experiences together- which we have done so many times with them
already - and not only that fabulous visit to Meike in Hawaii. The good and bad
times really!
Ankobar (the ancient capital of Shoa/Ethiopia) is the old seat of Emperor Menelik, grandfather of Haile Selassie, in the long line of Solomitic kings (descending from Solomon and the queen of Sheba, who came from Ethiopia according to legend). On top of the mountain, where once the palace stood, is now a beautiful lodge, in a sophisticated local style. It’s actually built by one of the members of Rob’s rotary, one of the more wealthier Ethiopians who worked in Geneve. He has invested in improving the village of Ankober, built de lodge also to provide employment for the population, and paid for a new orthodox church.
When we arrived the view was phenomenous. We had to park the car at the bottom of the 200 or so steps leading up to the lodge. As it is in the mountains, about 3000 m, we had to go slowly and were quite behind breath when we arrived. Ethiopian bearers climbed to the top with our luggage as easily as mountain goats.

Here's a blue Rock Trush (NL: lijster). Robert and I saw the same species in uzbekistan but there almost bright blue.
And the Blue winged goose
And we saw all the different chats together, the white winged chat, the mocking cliff chat, Rupell's black chat...and many other birds.

On my question what it was
meant for they answered ”promotion of
their cultural heritage”. So we should be positive about Ankobar as the old
Emperors' palace site.
We both said that we were here for the birds.. but that was the wrong answer...So we discussed briefly the topics and then I was interviewed first. After that it was Jaco's turn. He talked a lot about the birds and showed the bird book in
front of the camera, so all Ethiopia now knows where to go for birds. Inspiring and educational!
There is much more to tell, but these are the highlights!