
Jelleke's fieldtrip to Wukro- 13-15 August 2014

Jelleke went to the validation workshop ( august 14) of a Youth and Agriculture research project, in Wukro, near Mekelle. unexpectedly, it was wartm weather there, lovely! 

A colleague of robert picked her and her colleague Assegid up from Mekelle airport and was so friendly to drive them to Wukro. here we have a tea (and beer) in front of the hotel. 

The workshop was successful; in the evening after that we went to a Tedj-Bet, that is a House (bet) where one can drink  Tedj or honeywine ( in Dutch:  Mede)

The next day we made a very interesting excursion and saw some impressive erosion control management works- Robert's field actually :)  

The area around  Mekelle is very green and stony. Here,the houses are built from rock-hewn stone instead of mud.  
Donkeys are a very regular type of transport here. These carry a variety of saplings, plants, coming from a nursery (kwekerij)  
 Then we visited the old rock hewn church, dating back to the 8th century; the white building is 13th century, and stands in front of the real old church, halfway in the rock. 
 There are some good murals, but I found the old priest the most interesting, here writing a receipt for the 'fereignies' ( the foreigners).